Thursday, October 21, 2010

Chasms of Denial

Yesterday marked the 6 month anniversary of the worst environmental disaster in the history of our addiction to oil and I am feeling guilty.

Interesting how quickly I forgot about this disaster. I remember vague terms like, top kill, top hat, corexit, dispersant, dead, ravaged, economy, Cajun, and culture, but these terms would quickly fade as I went about my daily routine. Until yesterday.

Terry - friend, hero, activist, author, inspiration, instructor - has just published a compelling piece about the Gulf oil spill in Orion Magazine, The Gulf Between Us. I feel Terry provides us with a view of the Gulf we have not seen before - first by giving a voice to those who are living / trying to live in Ground Zero, and secondly, making the argument that we are All in this together.

I've read it and feel an overwhelming urge to share it. Please take a look at it if you haven't already, then forward it on to your friends, loved ones - everyone.